Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Article about my older cousin Babs. President of Konvict Clothing.

Babs, Creative Director and President of Konvict and Aliaune Brands. Babs has been in the fashion industry for over 15 years. He is a co-founder of FUBU, and after the launch of the clothing line in America in 1995, Babs took the company to Europe. His great success opened the doors for other American-based fashion companies to enter the European scene.
In 2005, Babs launched Phat Fashions, which is Phat Farm and Baby Phat, in Europe for Russell Simmons. In 2005, Babs met Akon and moved from Europe to Atlanta. He is the President and Creative director of all of Akon’s Brands, and in July/August we will launch 3 of our lines: Aliaune, the high fashion line, similar to Dolce & Gabbana and Armani; Konfidence Collection, the inexpensive-price point line; and KONVICT, the urban line.


you were like a sister to me.. and when you left i was broken .. you had your lil brother all alone in the dark with no guidance.. it feels like just yesterday you were at my house and we were makin fun of eachother but when i wipe my eyes from the tears that continue to spill out and i finally take a deep breath and admit you've been gone for awhile now.. but i'll never forget nor ever let your memory fade.. i love you big sis.. big cuzo.. i love you faith and i wish you were still here to lead me in the right deriction when it seems no1 else could.. God bless and may your soul rest in peace.. love always.. Edward
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